Originally Posted by Cartagenabound
Hello Simon:
I took a look at your web site, very nice. I really enjoyed reading through it. Thanks for the help. I will set some kind of a blog up in the next week or so and make sure you have the address. I will be sure to get to Sierra Gorda!!! I will let you know all about. Thanks
When you get to Portobelo (Panama), ask for Marcos, French Canadian. He also owns Drakes Bar in town which he was leasing to a young French couple. He lives up the hill. He has a yacht and knows all the other yachties. So if he isn't doing the trip, he will know who is. My other recommendation would be a big German schooner - however that is more expensive as you must canoe your boat out to Porvenir. Marcos is a good friend of mine (which doesn't imply that I recommend his yacht). Say hullo from me. You can probably sleep at his place. Be careful in Colon. Colon is seriously dangerous - the only place I found dangerous between Veracruz and Ushuaia! Keep in touch and good luck...