Originally Posted by shu...
Reading Colebatch's report of Russian flood predictions and Mickey D's report of livestock winterkill in Mongolia: I have mixed feelings about a pleasure trip through disaster areas.
Do you adjust your route around areas where people are trying to put their lives back to together after a disaster? Or do you figure they need traveler's dollars/euros/etc more than ever and go through anyway?.......shu
Good comments Mark!
All kinds of things can happen on the road, natural disasters, political turmoil, war, Coups, the works. Some countries are pretty much on going disaster areas all the time. (or so it seems to western eyes)
What are you going to do? Seems like every year in El Salvador the rainy season becomes a "national disaster". Is it? No. They just have no infrastructure. (my reference is old, I hear it's more developed today) Disasters bring in foreign aid.
Working in the news, documentary and NGO world I've seen a few disasters up close. Bangladesh floods, Sudan poverty, Colombian mud slides, Ethiopian famine, more.
Traveling on my own in Peru' during an earthquake (minor) and in Guat. when 3 volcanoes went off at once and mid day was like night for 3 days. None of these events was bad enough to totally de-rail order and everything was handled fairly well.
In some countries (like Haiti) corruption is so endemic that no amount of help is going to put things right any time soon. Combine this with no infrastructure and you have a disaster that will take decades to recover from, meanwhile chaos rules.
Seems today more and more moto travelers are not only on the road to be "Tourists" but are looking for "opportunities" for books, movies, articles and seek to extend their "vacation" into a permanent career in "Adventure travel". Some do this well, some not so much.
I have my own personal feelings about this group, but that gets off topic.
I've been through two coups, one bloodless and one real shooting failed Coup attempt. During these events if life wasn't cheap before, its value plummets even further when Coup chaos takes over. Borders close, military check points go up everywhere and people are killed at random. A state of siege is imposed and anything can happen. With news crews I've been jailed, had cocked guns held to my temple and had soldiers from a distance shoot at us for carrying cameras.
By comparison moto travelers get off easy but still are an easy target if things go crazy. Best thing I can suggest is that if things go wrong, stay put. Keep a low profile and don't go out. In any case all travelers should try to keep up on news reports. Trying to move during a disaster is not a good plan. Stay put, do the best you can, try to help if appropriate and communicate with friends and your embassy if possible.