From Netherlands to south-Indonesia. When to go?
Hello people,
the time has come for a new challenge. I'm preparing for a motorcycle trip from the Netherlands to the south of Indonesia in 2013.
I'm not yet sure about the route; north of the black sea trough the Stans or via Iran. I will travel India, Nepal and ship my bike to SE-Asia. My plan is to stay away for 8-12 months.
Now my question. What is the best time to leave? My soonest point in time will be march/april because of work. I want to avoid the 50C temperatures of Iran or India. Avoid the freezing cold of winter in Turkey. And the monsoons of Asia.
Let's say: I want to have the best weather possible everywhere. Blue skies and moderate temperatures!
Now, what is the best time to leave? I'm thinking about leaving march/april, so in spring. Or leave in august and slowly drive towards the autumn in Turkey.
What season did you overlanders choose?