new member seeking tour route through france/spain
late summer converted back to a road bike,have been off roading in southern spain three times and decided i would love to do a trip from france down through spain to gibralter up through barcelona and back.
places i like to see; the mellin bridge(the new one that links france and spain) mainly scenic routes,but i am open to any suggestions.
as this is my first trip to europe on a bike im a complete novice to this and would also appreciate any information from anyone who could point me in the right direction.
could someone give me an idea of time scale for this(i was thinking 10-14 days)
i will be buying a sat nav before i go-thinking of garmin 550?-also some people have said about tom tom rider 11.tried the garmin out at the bike show last week(its got a off road facility-which would be usefull for trail riding) but no real demos of the tom tom.which do you rate the better one?
one last question,intercom systems,-starcom?
scala rider?
interphone/ this one at the bike show last week.
went to buy this one,this one is wireless,battery lasts for aprox 7hrs
asked the guy on the starcom stand why it needs to be plumbed into the bike? he said that all wireless intercoms would have to much noise interferrance from electrical items on the bike,so i thought stuff that one then,. when i go home looked on the net about interphone and every bugger was raving about them!!!!!!. so now what?
thanks everyone. paul.