Guiding Factors
Hello everyone - new member here, been reading a while and thought it was time to join up!
So I have been working towards a rtw bike trip starting in the spring of '13 when my bills are squared away. My plan is to cut ties, sell my stuff, quit my job and get on the move for several years... really the plan is just to leave and let the rest fall where and how it doe.
The trip will originate in Eastern Canada and I am having a tough time deciding on a route.
The more reaserch I do, the more I worry about the issue of paperwork.
The two questions that really get to me are:
- how to get all of the visas, ins, licences, etc all lined up when alot of them require passports, pictures, and forms to be mailed off and some have time restrictions as to how early you can apply? I plan to be on the road for four-ten years....
- considering that, does this or will this restrict where I can go and dictate my schedule (along with the seasons of course)?
The original plan was to cross Canada from east to west, then north to Alaska then hopefully to Russia although I know bike transport is very expensive/near impossible now. So I am working on what the best plan B would be but need to determine what my guiding factors are.
Thanks for any links or insight.
Last edited by beerjonny; 6 Jan 2010 at 14:35.