A bit low power for the USA but that is the point I bet.
I can not say what you may want to see and do so I am going to be a bit all over. I do not go east much but the area to the north of NY may hold some fun at any rate you can hit some of the smaller states we have maybe. See where the British first came to new world where the Yanks started the war and where we did all the fighting. Then along the grate lakes see Detroit and see a city fail. Hit up route 66 in Chicago ride it to the end in Santa Monica Ride the left coast up to Washington then head inland maybe hit Yellowstone Then back to NY.
But with more info on what you like I may be able to help more. Do you like the coast or the high lands. Is unending miles of nothing something you want to see or are you willing to be cold or hot. Is it city you like or do you shun people and cars and want vast miles of road to your self. How many miles are you willing to do in a day. Are you going to camp or hotel not that it matters I have been some vary odd places and most of the time found a room.