I've spent a couple of weeks at a time on 125's and similar small bikes, and if I were you I'd stick relatively close to wherever I shipped the bikes to--no cross country 12,000 mile journeys in limited time frames.
If arriving in New York, you've got the whole Appalachian Mountain range from Georgia up into Maine (and beyond) to explore, plus waterfalls and glenns in the Finger Lakes, Amish country in Pennsylvania, wild horses in the Central Atlantic, sand beaches in whatever climate zone you choose (and rocky beaches, and tidal extravaganzas, and icebergs, whales, moose, wolves and bears if you carry on into Maine and eastern Canada). Then there are the small towns, the large towns, the big cities, and even the hollowed-out shells of formerly bustling commercial centers.
Since you don't say anything about what you like seeing or doing, there's not much point getting any more specific than that...but you could easily spend a couple of years poking around within 1000 miles of New York without getting bored. At least, I sure could--and have.
If you want to tour the western half of the continent (highly recommended), ship your bikes to a western port and do the obvious.
Hope that's helpful.