North America to Russia (Magadan)
A friend and I, are planning a RWT for may 2010.
The beginning will be from North America to Russia. I think that at the HUBB there is extraordinary information of how to get to Vladivostok (passing through Korea or Japan). From there, we would depart to Mongolia, Kazajistan and we pretend to get to Europe on September 2010.
A real wish for us would be to travel the Road of Bones.
I have been investigating at the HUBB how to get to Magadan from Vladivstok or directly from United States (I know that Magadan Air does not exist anymore). The best I have found at the HUBB, is a guy that has found a service with DVS that consists on a travel by boat from Magadan to Vladivostok (I guess you can make it the other way around then. In fact, I already sent to DVS a mail asking about that possibility).
Does someone know any route to get from North America (USA, Canada or Alaska) to Magadan? I don’t see as a possibility to send the motorcycles by ship, because it is well known that it is almost impossible to accomplish the established time of routes. Although anyway I already sent a mail to FESCO asking about sea transportation. I know that that this is a very frequent question at the HUBB, but frankly I have not found a useful answer.
In the case that there would not have been a real and viable possibility of arriving to Magadan, we would take the route from Vladivostok to Mongolia (losing the great challenge of the ROB). If that were the case, where is the most recommended place for taking the ferry to Vladivostok, Japan or Corea?
Does someone know any possibility of sending the motorcycles form Valdivostok to Magadan? Would it be prudent to ride from Vladivostok up to Magadan and after coming back by the same road but arriving to Mongolia?
Thank you for your valuable comments.