Pakistan to Tajikistan?
Hi there,
I've been riding my motorbike from Hanoi towards Europe. Am currently still some distance away, in Bangladesh, but trying to plan a bit ahead. I would love to go through India> Pakistan> (Afghanistan/Tajikistan)> The smaller Stans> Kazakhstan> Russia > Europe.
And well, the big unknown is how I could pull off the Pakistan to Tajikistan part? I would love to drive through Afghanistan but the closer I get the more I begin to face reality and wonder how (if) I could pull it off with any relative safety? There's that thin strip of Afghanistan b/w Pakistan and Tajikistan - Wakhan Valley i think it's called - any chance at all to cross through there somewhere? Or any other route at all?
China is pretty much out of question as I understand getting the bike into China is next to impossible...
Any ideas/suggestions would be really greatly appreciated!