Paris to Irkoutsk through Pamir
Hi everybody,
I am my trip from Paris (France) to Irkoutsk (Russia) starting en of March and ending middle of July.
My biggest issue is to define the "big steps" to apply for visa. Here is my forecast, could you please tell me if my rough estimates are good ?
I ride a 400 cc royal enfield himalayan, average speed loaded 90 km/h, don't have a 6th gear to speed on highway in europe.
Idea is :
- Start Pamir Highway in Dushambe beginning of May just at the end of winter.
- Be back in Paris in mid of july maximum.
#From Paris to KZ : 3 weeks
Paris to Istanbul : 1 week
Istanbul to Tbilissi : 1 week
Tbilissi*(Georgia) / Baku (Az) / Ferry / Aktaou (Kz) : 1 week
#From KZ to KZ through OZ, TAJ and KZ : 1 month and 3 weekds
Aktaou to Dushambe : 2 weeks
Technical break in Dushambe(and security buffer) : 1 week
Dushanbe*to Osh through Pamir highway : 2 weeks
Osh to Semei through KZ altai : 2 weeks
#From East Russia to West Russia through Baikal : 1 month
Semei to Irkoutsk : 1 week
Enjoying Irkoutsk and Baikal Lake : 1 week
Transsiberian from Irkoutsk to Moscow : 1 week
Security buffer : 1 week
#From Moscow to Paris : 1 week
Thank you in advance for your help
Last edited by BZK; 25 Jan 2020 at 13:48.