Planning ahead?
When I travel I typically never make detailed plans for when I'm on the road, though I'll plan obsessive-compulsively before leaving. Once on the road I more or less let fate determine my route so long as I get to my end destination on time (which may simply be the return date).
I know this won't quite work always on an extended RTW trip. Russia springs to mind if I want to detour through Mongolia while I'm there.
Any wisdom from the experience travelers on what/where/when I'll need to be planning ahead?
Some locations/events that occur to me:
Russia multi-entrance visa
Israel, if I also go through nearby countries.
Maintenance: If the bike needs work, don't put it off, especially if currently in a big city. Tires in particular come to mind.
Shipping: Setup shipping (bike and self) a month ahead (more?)
Weather: Generically, be north of the equator in the middle of the year, south of it otherwise. What are the significant exceptions (e.g. Mexico mid-year is extremely hot)?
What did I miss? What can you expand on? Am I being overly paranoid? Am I going to be insufficiently prepared by not planning an exact route? Are there any countries that are difficult to setup visas for while on the road, but easy to in advance?