Questions For RTW trip
I am planning an around the world trip. Seeing how my 30th birthday is but a few months away I figured I had better do this before some lucky lady finds out what a catch I am and makes me get married.
My plan is start in San Francisco and go to Toronto. Ship the bike to London from Toronto and tour Europe pretty extensively.
So here is the Question: since I am an american we are not too popular in the middle east what is the best way to get around it???? I would love to see Iran and Pakistan but I dont even think I could get a Visa. I was thinking just heading through Africa and shipping the bike from South Africa to Australia? How is traveling through Africa solo? I saw one couple shipped their bikes from Isreal to India, anybody have any experience with that?
After that portion Australia/NZ and South America then back up to San Francisco.
Also any recomondations on a laptop and how do you keep the batteries charged in different countries that have different power and plug configurations?
I am budgeting around $35,000 USD and at least a year, which from what I read seems to be sufficient.
Thanks for you help and hope to see some of you on the road. By the way what a great website with loads of info on what to pack and personal experiences.