Sorry, there isn't a "Lonely Planet Guide to Riding Around the World."
I think it is very much a personal choice - there are many possible routes, many personal preferences on what people like. For some the dream is Africa, for others it's Nepal, some want to do it all by back roads, others want to stick to main roads.
My recommendation is to browse the websites listed on the Links page - and of course Horizons Unlimited  - as well as classic books like Jupiters Travels, available from our Books Pages.
Budget can also make a big difference as to where you go. Hopping from continent to continent is expensive, so your route may be modified depending on the size of your budget. New Zealand to Australia for example can cost as much as Africa to South America, even though it's a much shorter distance.
Where do YOU want to go? Work out the route you most want to do, then see if it's possible by checking what's been done, ask questions about some area on the bulletin board etc.
Good luck, and keep in touch!
Grant Johnson
Share the Dream!
at: www.HorizonsUnlimited.com
Grant Johnson
Seek, and ye shall find.
Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997!