Route planing help needed Ukrain-->kazahkstan
Tryig to get as much info as possible before crossing in to russia tomorrow and head towards Astrakan.
As i made a complete cock up in Ukrain , by choosing the boring E40 from west to east  . I dont want to make the same misarable mistake in Russia.
I am in Lugansk(Luhansk) and will be crossing the border at KRASNODEN-DONETSK... . My alternativs are as follows
1.continiue on the E40-M21 to Volvograd and then towards astrakan.
2. Head south to Rostov-na-donu and take a secondary road (p269) to stavropol and then the a154 to elista and onwards to Astrakan.
(I am using a reise know how map of west russia for the road names)
can anyone please comenton these two alternative routes ?
Anyone knows a better route to recommend?
I have four days to kill in russia before I can enter kazahkstan , so i probably have to stay two nights either in elista or astrakan ...
please any feedback today or help would be much appreciated