West Coast of Africa - Road Conditions In May and June
As the title suggests, I am wondering about the road conditions on the West Coast of Africa during the months of May and June. Made it down the east coast a couple of years back but that was in the dry season but interested to know what the conditions would be like for these upcoming months on the other side of the continent.
Specific concerns are the passability of the roads in the equatorial countries during these months. Perusing of the site has revealed some great details about which approximate months the wet season rolls in for the northern and southern parts of various countries but some feedback from previous on the ground experience would be greatly appreciated.
Kind input is requested on:
1. Critical countries where the combination of bad roads and wet weather would make them in most respects impassable.
2. The traditional months that the wet weather actually arrives for the regions most affected (north/south).
3. Other countries to be aware of where the weather in May/June will become wetter and make the riding less enjoyable but still likely doable.
4. Best countries for cold  .
Other smart alecky comments of no constructive nature are also welcome.
Additional lame quesitons likely to follow.