I am looking to make a worldtrip in my Landcruiser starting from +- June this year! My plan is to leave for at least one, or two years and spend at least 1 month in a country, or maybe as long as I would like to stay there, Slow Travel!
Ideal I would have no plan, just bugger of and see what I find underway. But practical things like Visa, Time, Budget demand a sort of global route planning. The problem where I get to every time is that the season's are the restricting factor in the planning.
For example, my main plan is to head Easth, Ukraine, Russia, Kazachstan, (other Stan country's), Mongolia, Russia, South Korea and from there shipping to South Asia, Australia, or South America. If I leave in June, spend at least 1 month in every country, I have +- 4 months before the Siberian winter sets in, just when I am in Mongolia.
So the solution is to head south, but there is China, and traveling trough China would be really great, it also hurts my budget big time +- 100 Euro every day extra!
Another escape route would be to head for Iran, but I don't feel so comfortable heading there as the situation is not stable.
My best option, in my eyes, so far would be to first head South to North Africa, Morocco to let the winter pass, and start from April next year my trip east.
I am out of idea's, anybody any new idea's in how to avoid the winter and not hurt the budget big time by traveling trough China to South Asia.