RTW uk to usa
hi all,
this is my first post i read horizons unlimted web site every day for hours and basically just want to share my plans with you all and ask for any advice on places to see along the way or preparation for my bike.
so my aim is to travel from uk through europe russia kazakhstan mongolia then fly my bike from russia to alaska then travel to south argentina through americas maybe along the pan american highway then back up the west side of south america and make my way to new york and fly my bike home from there.
my bike of choise is a yamaha xt600e the reason are i want some thing low maintence although i am quite good with fixing bike and things and good mpg and is good off road and i dont mind plodding along at 60mph as i have no time limit. i am currently saving between £500 to £700 a month and hoping £10,000 to £12,000 should be enough if not credit cards  and im planing on camping as much as possible as i enjoy camping.
any thoughts on what you guys and gals would change about the trip or bike or any thing