Safest way to get from North Africa to the South by public transport?
Hello everyone,
I am a white British male lone traveler age 25 who would like to fly into North Africa and travel down at least half way down the continent using public transport. I am distinctively white, I say this just to make it clear that I will stand out as a western foreigner. I have experience of travelling in third world countries but have not been anywhere really dangerous and am not a "thrill seeker" looking for dangerous situations.
I would like advice as to the safest way to travel by land from North Africa to some of the safer countries in the middle (either Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon on the west or Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda or the east).
Is it true that Mali, Sudan and Chad are currently no-go areas? Also, is it the case that the Southern borders of Algeria are all closed? Is it safe to travel by public transport down through Western Sahara and through Mauritania, or is there a safe route from Egypt to Ethiopia through Sudan? Also would any of these countries trigger visa difficulties.
I cannot afford to hire any sort of guard or guide, I am a fluent English speaker and speak good European French but often struggle to converse in French with French speaking Africans.
Any advice or suggestions gratefully appreciated.