Originally Posted by Habi
When we entered Azerbaijan from Georgia this summer, they searched for any kind of proof that we did visit or will visit Armenia - they even checked if we have a map of Armenia. I see that as a strong indication that they might make a problem, even if you have not been to the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
If you still want to visit both countries, you could either go Turkey - Georgia - Azerbaijan and visit Armenia from Iran on the way back to Europe or you go Turkey - Armenia - Georgia - Azerbaijan - Ferry.
Concerning the Tajikistan - Pakistan issue, maybe it is an idea to take the route Tajikistan - back to Uzbekistan - Turkmenistan - Iran - Pakistan? On first sight that seems better/easier to me than organizing some route through China or Afghanistan.
Finally I would like to recommend also visiting Kyrgyzstan if it fits in your timeframe, because you are very close anyways and it is a very beautiful country 
Thank you, so much, for your advice and insights. It is very much appreciated.
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing..." - Helen Keller