Sydney-London in 9 months....rough budget, does this look reasonable? Thanks!!
I've been thinking about riding from Sydney-London for years and have decided I'm finally going to do it. I'm thinking of leaving July 09 on a BMW650 Dakar and taking around 9 months, longer if the money lasts.
I've been trying to work out if I can afford it...if the below budget is in the right ball park, then I should be able to. They're only rough figures, I just need to know its not way off. Would appreciate any thoughts and if theres anything big i've missed out....
Thanks in advance!!
This is all in AUD$....
Daily spending (incl. fuel) $75 per day average
This is staying in backpackers (cheap but not the cheapest), eating at cafes etc and a few s in the eve, plus any extras.
Shipping/Air $1100
Darwin - Indonesia $300
Thailand - Bangladesh $800
Flights $700
Darwin - Indonesia $200
Thailand - Bangladesh $500
Visas & bike insurance on the road $1000
Carnet $1450
Rego $150
Travel Ins. $750
Clothing, medical kit $500
Bike trousers, jacket, helmet, boots & gloves $3000
Spares & tools $350
Immunisations $150
Off road course $650
Service for bike $500
GPS $800
Daily spending money (9 months) $20,000
Other on the road costs $1,800
Paperwork & pre-departure costs $9,300
Thanks for your help!!!