is there such a thing as over planning??
hi all
next year im going to ride back to england from aussie, boat to indonesia, up to laos fly to bangladesh, nepal, india, stans, across the caspian,(if the boat feels like leaving when i get there!!) into europe, home! just like that  ish,
my question to you is, is there such a thing as over planning?? yes there are a few things that you need before you leave, visa's, carnet, insurance, but apart from the things to get you into the country why is it so important to find everything about the country before you get to it? surely isn't part of the adventure not knowing what is around the corner?? and if you want a idea of whats to come why not just ask the locals when you get there?
i know there are a few extreams like desert, moutain or jungle riding where you need to do a bit of reaserch, please let me know what you think and if anyone has just up and left how you got on? cheers