Oh my Gaawd,
4 weeks,
Forget it. No fun at all in that,
Like Mike said, take a run to Maroc.

If your still looking at the Cape town jaunt, then 12 weeks is OK, but you will miss things.

Any thing less than 12 weeks (3 months) is a waste of money.
Just look for a new job when you get back
The run down to Cape Town is top of my list.
Me and the other half.
We will do it in our Land Cruiser.

Sure the boss will throw a wobbler, but oh well, tough tit.
Story from yester-year,
Me and the other half fly to Cape Town regular.
One time, I told the boss I was going for 3 weeks.

he pulled a face.

Who cares.

I came back 3 months later.

Well, he wouldn't let me 're-start', and he kept me away from work for about 3 weeks, as a 'punishment'

But who the hell cares, We had a great time in Cape Town.

Just go for it.
Worry about the consequences when you get back.