Travel distance per day in central asia (the 'stans)
Below you find a rough route plan and distance per day. I would love to get input whether we are over optimistic on distances per day or the opposit. How many hours will it require per day to travel the below distances? Is it possible or too much per day? Are there some of these places we should plan for some additional days to see sites or do other activities?
1. Turkmenbasy, Turkmenistan - Kazandhik, Turkmenistan - 285 km
2. Kazandhik, Turkmenistan - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan - 296 km
3. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan - Mary, Turkmenistan - 363 km
4. Mary, Turkmenistan - Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan - 251 km
5. Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan - Samarqand, Uzbekistan - 393 km (boarder crossing)
6. Samarqand, Uzbekistan - Boysund, Uzbekistan - 276 km
7. Boysund, Uzbekistan - Dusjanbe, Tadjikistan - 207 km (boarder crossing)
8-11. M41 to Karakul Lake (4 days) about 250 km per day
It would be great with some input mainly on the distance that we can expected to do per day. In addition to this we need to adjust for time recquired to pass borders, see sights, repair bikes etc etc.
Thanks fellow adventures.