Turkey to Magadan (two set of tyres)
I am currently at the beginning of my RTW trip, now in Goreme, Capadokia, Turkey. Came here riding from Spain.
I plan to go arrive at Magadan at some point in August.
I ride a fully loaded 1200GS and right now I have a set of Hidenau k60 Scout with 1700 kms on them. I am trying to figure out where and how to change tyres.
My route from Turkey will go through Georgia, then Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrguistan, then Kazakhstan again (through Almaty) and back to Russia. Let's call this ^^ part one.
After that, I will enter Mongolia through Ulan-Ude (have to get my visa in Irkutsk) and do a little spin in Mongolia. Get back to Russia and ride to Magadan. Let's call this ^^ part two.
I am talking to Denis, who will send tyres for me to pick up in Almaty, Barnaul (close to Novosibirisk) or Ulan-Ude.
If I choose the tyres to be sent to Almaty, part two will be more than 10000 kms, which is maximun I expect to make with a set of tyres. If I choose tyres to be sent to Barnaul, part two will be around 8500 kms, which is less risky I think.
But part one is also around 8000 kms on the shortest route and almost 10000 if I visit Volgograd, which is something I would love to do.
So I don't know what to do. Send tyres to Almaty or Barnaul? Maybe getting a spare rear tyre in Volgograd to make sure I make it to Barnaul? Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot!