This is the way I'd do it Roger, bearing in mind I'm allergic to bitumen.
Adelaide Oodnadata Track to Finke, across to the Rock via Erldunda (highway). Up to Kings Canyon then the Mereeni Loop track (easy) or the Finke river route (not so easy but nicer) to Palm Valley area then into Alice.
Instead of going up the Track I'd go NW halfway up the Tanami track, up to Wave Hill/Lajemanu then up thorugh the Gregory Park to Timber Creek for a

and a punch up. From Katherine get into Darwin via Kakadu (over-rated - see RG)
Then go back down to Kununurra, along the Gibbriver road and even up to the coast at Kalumburu - west Gibb River has some beautiful waterfalls -
Or go along the highway via the Bungles.
End up in Broome - a beaut spot!
Then just after Sandfire roadhouse take a left south towards Shay Gap and Marble Bar (rough Guide p.652) then Hillside station and into Witernoom - a nice run... walk up from the Setlement and do the Miracle Mile (walk/swim) if you have a head for heights.
Around here you will be running out of time I reckon so shoot down to Perth, check out the lovely southwest forests around Pemberton -
And when you want to cross back over the Nullabor, follow the railway far north of the road - its what the mad Japs do.
Have a great ride.
Chris S
Author of the Adventure
Motorcycling Handbook. New edition November 2000 ($19.95/GBP12.99)