UK to Morocco and back in winter
Need to escape the fake santas so am taking my only bike (Honda Hornet 600) as far towards the sun as possible. It's the touring version (fly screen and heated grips  ) so it should be no problem but i would like some advice on routes from someone who's done it.
I've got the ferry booked to Bilboa on the way down. From there is the high straight road past madrid the best way, or is it high enough to make riding in ice likely?
On the way back there's no ferry at the time i want it so i have to go up through France. I can go either side of the pyrenees. I know the east road up the spanish coast will take longer than straight up the middle but if both are possible which will give me the easier ride through France, should i go up the middle or the west coast to paris??
Also if anyone knows how their automatic motorway hotels work i'd love some info there, apparently you pay by card and don't see anyone. How long can you use the room and are there check out times etc idealy i could turn up any time and still get a good long rest, i don't want to turn up at midnight and still be kicked out at 10am. any experience?
Many thanks in advance for replies