I seem to be a little bit stuck at the moment as to which route to take from Egypt to the UK. I was originally planning on going via Libya, but after a three month visa wait in Cairo, I have now been officially denied, hence Libya, Tunisia etc is out.
The next logical option is to head via Jordan, Syria, Turkey etc..., but after a visit to the Syrian consulate today, I have been told that the only place I can get a Syrian visa on an Australian passport is in Australia, and not in Egypt, Jordan or at the border.
I would go via ferry, but the ferries from Egypt to Europe have long stopped, and the ferry from Israel to Cyprus seems to have stopped for the winter (according to
So, I have a couple of questions...
1. Does anyone know if you can obtain a Syrian transit visa either in Amman or at the border, even if there is a Syrian embassy in your home country? I really do not want to have to send my passport home.
2. Can anyone confirm if the Haifa - Limassol ferry is still running in winter?
3. Are there any other options (aside from shipping from Egypt or Israel) which I am missing?
4. Can anyone recommend a good shipping agent from Israel?
Oh, and since I have been bumming around Egypt for so long, my carnet is due to expire in just over a week...