Wadi Halfa to Khartoum
Why is Wadi Halfa to Khartoum preferred route being this?
1) Wadi Halfa -> Akasha -> Dongola -> Karami -> Atbara -> Shendi -> Khartoum.
When :
2) Wadi Halfa -> Abu Hamad -> Dagash -> Berber -> Shendi -> Khartoum is much shorter?
Has anyone here done the second route? I've been googling been can't find someone doing the 2nd route. Is there something I should know?
Thank you for your kind input.
  link to map:
"courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death"
Last edited by Norman Rahman; 10 Jan 2007 at 15:01.
Reason: added map link