What budget and time frame do you think?
I know its a broad question, if you looking for an answer, however i just want opinions. I have never done a trip like this, and just looking for other peoples opinions. Things like the shortest time it could be done would be interesting, but tell me what you would like to do/not do.
My plan after entering U.S is get through there quick, and make a dash to deadhorse after some time in bc. What do you think would be a good time frame? I will have a 12 months from santiago to deadhorse, but my route is not direct, and thus flexible given time and money restrictions.
Have a look at my crude map and let me know what you think, have you done all, some, none of this route and troubles? really anything will help.
Cheers jessedylan
(p.s advice on writing a better thread/question would be helpfull too, no so good on the old computer)