When to leave for India?
Hi All,
I am looking for some advice on when would the latest possible time of year be to leave the UK through Europe,Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and on to India without facing the full force of winter.
I have the opportunity to get away and have been planning this for some time so the bike, kit, paperwork etc is almost taken care of however due to work commitments I now may not be able to leave at the beginning of September as originally planned.
I am still aiming to leave this year and have had a good trawl through previous posts, world weather websites etc and reckon that mid October would probably be as late as I could comfortably leave. I appreciate I may have less time to spend in more northern countries than I would have liked however I think I would rather do this than delay the trip for 6 months.
Has anyone travelled towards Quetta late on in the year and going on the advice of those with more experience, would it be better to delay for 6 months rather than try and catch up the good weather?