Where to travel off-road in Western USA?
Yes...I dream of Morocco, I long for Ushuaia...but I have to pay for a mortgage.
So. I've got about a month to do some riding/camping in the Western US instead. I hope to ride blacktop to link up moderate length off-road stretches (one or more days on gravel or other dual track). I could plan for any possible combination of Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Texas....
But I can't find much info, on the HUBB or elsewhere. There is the TAT, but that sounds a bit too gnarly for a loaded KLR, and is east - west in orientation, whereas I plan to head south from Vancouver, Canada, and then back up north. The Transcontinental Divide is mostly blacktop (am I correct on that?).
I've been to the White Rim in Canyonlands, but that is pretty hot right now.
Does anyone have any ideas for me? Places to research online? Suggestions? Money for the mortgage -- er, I guess this is probably the wrong thread for that one.
Thanks in advance!