Wild Camping
iOverlander is excellent for finding established campsites and moto-friendly hotels however it's pretty useless for true wild camping [in my experience solely from using it for two years in South America] as most users define camping as sleeping in a vehicle. I should add I'm extremely fussy and won't usually camp if there is garbage or fire pits, etc in the vicinity.
I found that nearly always it was better (as a tent camper) to seek out my own locations (though that said there are some gems on there too!). Always think about where you are camping and take note i.e. If your very exposed on flat ground what will you do if a freak electrical storm rolls in? Likewise, often dry river beds make nice camp spots until there is a flood a hundred miles north and at 2 a.m you'd find yourself knee deep in water (this happened me recently!).
Wild camping seems daunting at first but with time gets easier. While it's good to be hidden from main roads and prying eyes, don't hide like you were doing something wrong. This makes you look suspicious and you have to think, whose tent would you rather rob? The one hidden in the bushes or the one that's sat right out in the open?
Unless it's obvious that no one is around that would care, it's best to ask people. This at least let's someone know you are there so in event natural disaster (flood, landslide, earthquake etc) people might come to help you out.
It's also much better to have permission too and learn to ask if it's safe to sleep out in general. If some dude pitched up on your lawn I guess you'd be pretty perplexed. Only once has someone denied me to camp and that was because he was worried about my safety. Some people find it strange that you'd want to sleep outside when 'there's a hotel down the road' but once you communicate that's what's you want (most understand to save cash as a good reason), they're pretty cool.
But yeah wildcamping is the best! Not ideas about Africa or Asia but South America was pretty much made for it!
Have fun!
Last edited by ridetheworld; 17 Mar 2016 at 23:06.