World Weather Planner
Welcome to my World Weather Planner, which shows weather by country by month. Its in excel, and the summary looks like this:

- Diagonal lines represent my upcoming route!
It takes into account:
- rainfall
- rainy days per month
- max temp
- min temp
- humidity
- heat index
Coverage area:
- Asia (partial)
- North America (partial)
- Central / South America (not yet)
- Africa
- SE Asia (partial)
- Australia
Looking for volunteers to help add cities, instructions are in the file.
You can see detailed data for each city on each of the above stats:
I assign a "discomfort level" to each data point, using 20C and no rain as the ideal weather. The further away from this ideal, the more discomfort there is. I assumed this as ideal "moto" weather, if you want to go skiing, this isn't the planner for you.
You can choose your own tolerance to rain, heat or cold, and the summary will adjust automatically. To do this, just change the percentages in the weighting box, as seen below:
Please let me know your comments.
Philip (aka NY-Lon)
WineAndWater. RTW - Raising money for Wine to Water, supporting clean water projects in 15 countries.
Last edited by NYLon2000; 26 Mar 2013 at 17:25.
Reason: Updated file