Yorkshire to morocco then not sure where next
Hiya peeps, appologies if this is in the wrong section couldnt find a intro/welcome section for newbie to the forum so ill put a little intro for you....
im justin (37yrold) and live in west yorkshire, uk, i was pointed towards the forum by an old workmate of mine called Gerry who has been involved with the site for a while and attends some of the meets that youve done in the uk (dont know his username though). Anyway back to the point, Im planning a trip (hopefully to start october 09) through france, spain and into morocco (initailly), i plan to spend at least 3 months travelling round morocco then back into europe for a bit then im not sure where else will get added - possibly Egypt or India! who knows?
The idea is to have 2 years, more if possible, travelling round on the road and see what i can see and do. Im hoping that it will be a slow paced meander, maybe camping for 3-4 days in one place then move 50 miles and camp up again for a few days and so on occasionally staying in a cheapish hotel for the odd night for a break from "tent life". Im not entirely sure what bike im doing this trip on but have not ruled out using what ive got....a rebuilt and "streetfightered" yamaha yzf750  yeah i know its not a fully equiped gs but hey why not, its already done a trip into europe anyway! anyway i thought id better join the forum as it seems to be the font of all knowledge regarding bike touring!
Any thoughts/advice on destinations of the post morocco part of the trip is welcome as is any other thoughts or advice on anything related to all of it!
Thank you in advance