Seeking advice about Borneo/Kalimantan and Sulawesi
Hello everybody
Currently in Thailand. Overlanding from Europe to Australia. Just had two very nice and interesting months in Laos and Cambodia. Will head on towards Oz in the beginning of May. Plan to ride through Malaysia, Indonesia and East Timor.
The most obvious and conveniant (?) route through Indonesia seems to be riding Sumatra-Java-Bali-Lombok-Nusa Tengara-Flores.
BUT - I am thinking about riding a completely different route and thus I try to do some research now.
The route I have been thinking about doing is to ride Sumatra-Java-maybe Bali and Lombok and then catching a ferry up to Kalimatan, for example Samarinda or Balikpapan and then do a loop clockwise on Kalimantan/Borneo to Pontianak. Then cross into the malaysian part and ride the two provinces there of Sarawak and Sabah. And vist Brunei also. (I am even thinking about a detour to the Philippines - but thats another story...)
Then catch another ferry from Tawau to Tarakan or Nunukan and then another ferry over to Sulawesi, ride Sulawesi from north to south (Makassar) and then catch another ferry to Flores and then to East Timor.
What are your general thoughts about this, is it possible, advisable?
Will the ferries carry motorbikes in this part of the world? Are the roads in Kalimantan and Sulawesi rideable? How about safety issues? Are there accomodation, gas, food available along these parts? Etc etc
Do I need to change itinarary partly or should I just forget the whole thing and stick to the conveniant route?
Any information, advice and general thoughts much appriciated!
In the end everything will be fine. If its not fine its not the end....
Last edited by Snakeboy; 24 Mar 2015 at 19:46.