Germany, Bikes, Quads, 4x4 friendly Hotel/Pub
right on the country side, not far away from Dusseldorf, 3/4 hour from the Dutch/German border.
Hotel Gut Drinhausen
Klein Drinhausen 2
42327 Wuppertal/Schöller
Tel: +49 -(0)2104 - 13060
Fax: +49 -(0)2104 - 16234
small Hotel with pub and  garden.... kids and dogs are welcome as well.... any Bike, Quad or 4x4 can turn up.
parties and buffet can be booked up to 100 peoples may more, the chef is cooking him self.
There are regularly crackerbarrel ones a month with bikes and Quads, some times up to 80 motors in summer, the local Land Rover folk use to come regularly for there meetings, lots of space, safe parking and a nice view over the fields, the region has windy rods and hilly surroundings nice to rid bikes around.
well there English is rather poor but helpfully guys
here a bit out of there own description......
One can move e.g. in the valley of the Düssel from the small village Schöller out by the historical village Gruiten with historical didactic exhibition, at the game enclosure past, in the Neandertal.
The Neandertal belonged to the probably most well-known places in the world, here was written people history: 1856 found the skeleton of humans, who lived obviously for a long time before our time calculation to Steinbrucharbeiter in a cave. The Wuppertaler professor Johannes feel-rotted identified this as remnants of prähistorischen humans, the Neandertaler was born „".
The niederbergische locality Schöller to the Düssel became together with the neighbouring ribbon-built village Hahnenfurth and the scattered housing estate Dornap only with the regional reorganization 1975 after Vohwinkel in in common December. Interesting it is however that at the village Schöller, which were already mentioned documentary 1182 passed the centuries nearly without trace. While some other settlements in this area developed to larger cities, in Schöller everything remained in such a way, as it always already was. The remote place lies about six kilometers far away from the Vohwinkler center and accommodates only few hundred humans. It has to exhibit a steeped in tradition past however, how one can recognize by the old half timbered houses, the church tower and the medieval donjon easily. The everyday, from charring and stone established tower with its quadripartite pyramid roof in the vernacular Schinderhannesturm is called. Because in it became at the beginning 19. Century the robber captain Kob Hannes notorious in the bergischen country locked up, after some attempts had failed to induce him to the betrayal because of its volatile Kumpanen, it was brought at the Galgen. The donjon belongs to the yard property at that time of the family of Schöller, which became extinct 1697 since more jeher to the property Schäsberg, and its possession the count bequeathed von Schäsberg. In 18. Century the houses of the property yard were cleared away and replaced by newer farm buildings, which are received partially this very day. Behind the yard lies the reformed church, whose tower towers above the local picture. It originates from that 12. Century and was originally a component of a Roman place of worship. The municipality of the small village church is by the way considered as the first Protestant church of the Rhine country.
The trouble is that he was talking in philosophy, but they were listening in gibberish.
Last edited by spooky; 11 Jul 2007 at 22:50.