Selcuk - Turkey
Hotel Akay and Amazon Pension in Selcuk are run by keen biker Ethem Akay.
He has accomodation to suit all budgets. Facilities ýnclude restaurant, swimming pool and safe parking for bikes. The Pension also has cookýng facilities.
Ethem can also arrange for any mechanical repairs / spare parts (Tyres etc) and other bike related information.
You can also use the hotel as a base for getting parts delivered prior to your stay.
Ethem's e-maýl address is in the profile.
Phone: 00 90 232 892 3172
Fax: 00 90 232 892 3009
Address: Ataturk Mah. 1054 Sokak No 3
Selcuk (Ephesus), Ýzmir
The locatýon ýs rýght next to Ýsa Bey Mosque and St John.
Ethem speaks Turkish, German, English and some French.