accomodation with safe parking in Colombia
here some possibillitys for accomodations with free WIFI and safe bikeparking in Columbia
near oldtown
Jovita’s Hostel + school of Salsa
Carrera 5 ecke 4-56 San Antonio
handy +(57) 317 640 6813
tel. 893 8342
Nord 03* 26.916
West 76* 32.244
Bikes fit through a big door,without moving the alooyboxes,they stay inside and covered from rain,
Bueno naer Medellin
Hotel La Pista
Autopista Norte
Frente a los Talleres del Ferrocarill
Calle 49 A No. 43-12
Tel. 272 2994
Nord 01* 53.419
West 77* 11.824
bikes stay safe inside but not covered from rain,
Pamplona on the way to Venezuela border
Hotel Imperial
Carrera 5, 5-36 am Plaza
Tel. 568 3246
Nord 07*22.608
West 72* 38.923
bikes stay inside the gangway, 24 hr. security guy
Santa Marta
Nordcoast from Columbia
Hospederia Casa Familiar
Calle 10C, No. 2-14
Tel. 4211697- 4311395
Nord 11*14.829
West 74* 12.762
bikes stay safe inside ,coverd from anything,rain,public
without removing the aluboxes all accomodation have free wifi, and close to the city everything in walking distance,
they cost from 8-20 usd per single room,
hope someone else can use this for travelling by bike,
keep the mirrows up,