Ponta Negra, Brazil - Hotel
Danny & Natalia run a nice little hostel with shared rooms/double room, secure bike parking, free internet, cooking facilities and good company. R$s26/night. Both speak English & Spanish aswell. Recommended:
Bergh's, Rua das Algas 2267 - Praia de Ponta Negra, Natal/RN CEP 59090 Phone  84) 219.4666
"There's no justice, just us".
2004 650 KLR, Brazil
[This message has been edited by Stretcher Monkey (edited 07 January 2005).]
How much does a man live, after all?
Does he live a thousand days, or one only?
For a week, or several centuries?
How long does a man spend dying?
What does it mean to say “forever”? - Pablo Neruda