Argentina - Bs As province -NOTICE
A new motorbike law which affects the Buenos Aires province only. Only Bs As province at present. It is unclear how this new law (April 2014) may be applied to tourist bike riders.
Those interested in researching the full text of the law: see resolution number 224/14, in Decreto 220/14, "Emergencia de Seguridad."
I will quote an English-language summary here:
The [provincial] government of Buenos Aires province passed a new law on Monday, 14 April, that requires passengers on motorcycles and mopeds to wear a helmet and a reflective vest with the vehicle’s registration number visible. The measure is part of the government’s crackdown on criminal activity amid rising crime rates. The new law also gives the province’s mayors the authority to restrict the hours of circulation when more than one individual can be on a motorbike in certain areas of their municipalities, particularly in banking and commercial zones. The law will take effect this week and noncompliance can result in confiscation of the vehicle and the driver’s license.
Analytical Comments: Since late 2013, Buenos Aires has experienced a rise in snatch-and-grabs and robberies committed by armed individuals using motorcycles (motochorros), most notably at restaurants. This method is reportedly used in approximately 26 percent of the thefts and street robberies in Buenos Aires.
Note: Córdoba (Argentina) is expected to get a similar treatment but as of May 2014 we don't know when the new rules will come into enforcement, and how they may differ from the Bs As provincial rules.
Here is the Spanish version of the requirements for the helmet, vest, and labeling. Again, the law apparently does not take into account foreign-registered bikes and foreign riders, which unfortunately gives the not always honest Argie police the opportunity to seize a bike or go through the threats-and-bribery routine:
"El casco debe tener las condiciones mínimas de seguridad establecidas por la norma IRAM-AITA 3621 y llevará adherido en letras y números reflectantes la identificación de dominio del motovehículo, sin que coincida con el color de fondo del casco"
-- "el color del fondo del chaleco será amarillo puro, amarillo arena o amarillo naranja y tendrá por lo menos dos bandas blancas reflectantes horizontales en la parte superior anterior y posterior, de cinco centímetros de ancho y con una separación entre éstas de catorce centímetros".
La prenda, "en medio de las bandas reflectantes, llevará impreso en letras y números blancos reflectantes el número de dominio del vehículo".