a couple of pointers on Colombia...
The importation and sale of used motos into Colombia is prohibited. You would have great difficuly finding a buyer outside of the law. At a purchase price of Euros 500, you could just give it away away though. You may find a traveller to buy it, but once again this is difficult; more so with a dodgy title.
Secondly, with a forged title, how are you going to legalise the temporary import? They will, (probably), want to know where this vehicle entered the country, and why temporary importation wasn't taken care of then.
Thirdly, insurance, (SOAT), is obligatory in Colombia. You have to buy it from the State. The falsification of this document would not be easy. You might get away with not having it. I have in the past.
How much does a man live, after all?
Does he live a thousand days, or one only?
For a week, or several centuries?
How long does a man spend dying?
What does it mean to say “forever”? - Pablo Neruda