Hello TPgarner, Buying a bike in georgetown prove to be limited more to the 125cc class, ther are lots of Chinese knockoff such as jailing. last year i decided to ride in the Guyana Pakarima safari and after lots of research, I shipped a 250 Suzuki DRZ and it turned out to be the best alternative. Unfortunately I sold that bike after the safari and regretted it. I am currently planning to ride from Georgrtown to Boa Vista, down to Manus. There I'll put it on a boat to Macapa and ride up to French Guiana to Suriname and back to GT. I am planning to start from GT next year October and I already have another Suzuki 250 DRZ which I am getting ready to ship from Toronto. If anybody is intrested in joining me I would appreciate company. Should able to do this ride from GT and back in 30 days.