buying, service, peru, suggestion
We have been in rtw for some 1,5 year now. Currently in Peru, where we have just baught 2 new hondas.
If anybody has same idea (buying or servicing in Peru) we would like to suggest Roberto Belmonte of Deser Sport Racing in Lima as a primar contact.
Roberto help us with choosing the bikes, explained all documetary things, assigned to us very nice lady to help with all paperwork and finally saw to registration.
Also it was very financially fruitful, we negotiated some 500$ down and even after this we received engine protection and 12V output as a free gift.
This is numer 1 honda dealer in Peru. There is a shop and service. From what we saw being there at least 11 times there is a hughe traffic. They service also KTM, Yamaha, Kawasaki and the rest.
The contact is:
Desert Sport Racing S.A.C.
Desert Sport Racing S.A.C.
Jr. Colina 480 Miraflores
Altura Cdra 5420 Vía Expresa,
Lima, Peru
(this is some 500 m from Oval de Miraflores one of the well known tursits orientation points in Lima)
Roberto Belmonte
Telf: 241-0484 445-0462
Roberto speaks fluent English and is very nice person on private.
Now we are in Arequipa and heading Chile, Bolivia and Argentina.
Pls be invited to our web site at:
Kind regards,