Camping gear for SOUTH AMERICA
(Sorry for the double post as I already tacked this question onto the thread of the same nature but for Central America)...
Hi Everyone....!
Could I PLEASE have your opinions on whether or not I am likely to want / need camping gear in South America (Arg, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Columbia, Brazil, Ven)? I will be starting in Buenos Aires in April and heading North West for warmer weather initially. Will come back down when the southern areas start to warm up in Spring. I am frantically getting things together already and need to figure out weather to buy the camping gear I will need. As I will have to buy tent and other camping gear - there is the question of cost / reward component here too - because that gear aint cheap and I could probably get many nights in cheap hotels for the money. Then again - seeing a lake with an idyllic camping spot on it shores but not being able to camp there would be sad too.....
Many Thanks!