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Old 4 Jan 2006
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chile bolivia peru info + motorbike search


i arrive in santiago chile on 01 february from paris, ride in chile bolivia peru and fly back to paris from lima on 01 march. i d be happy to meet local people and travellers there.

i want to BUY a small bike in santiago on arrival, honda cg125 style or even honda xr250 style, according to my budget : 500 euros maybe more, according to the local market. To AVOID spending too much time finding a bike on arrival : if you have any good plans, contacts, if you can help me in santiago, etc ... to get a bike like this over there (i posted before on this subject so i already know a bit and thanx to the people and local hubb communities who alreday replied me).

i m now preparing my trip a bit and focus for the moment on the BORDER CROSSINGS.

please could you confirm what i alreday searched and found, tell me if wrong, give ideas, tips :

* chile - bolivia - : arica to la paz, calama to ollague with connections to oruno and la paz, iquique to oruro via colchane/pisiga, san pedro de atacama to uyuni;
* bolivia-peru : puno and cuzco via copacabano, yunguyo and desaguadero.

happy trails

Vincent Danna

* www.va-project.com
Sept 2008 - dec 2009 : Voyage et art contemporain en Amérique du sud.

* http://vincent.danna.free.fr/
2002 - 2004 : Un tour du monde en moto.
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Old 7 Jan 2006
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Location: Santiago, Chile
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Look in www.mercadolibre.cl or www.deremate.cl or www.vehiculosconfoto.cl

Be glad!

Ya verás como quieren en Chile al amigo cuando es forastero (traditional song)

Jose Pedro Espinosa
Curico, Chile
Ya verás como quieren en Chile al amigo cuando es forastero (traditional song)

Jose Pedro Espinosa
Santiago, Chile
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Old 7 Jan 2006
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thanx for the interesting internet websites.
i saw many "small" bikes like what i m looking for. all the prices are written : $. which $ is it about ?
for example, i saw :

Honda Xr250 R Japonesa Casi Nueva
Precio Final: $ 2800000.00
(compra immediata)

Moto Honda 125cg
Precio Final: $ 490000.00
(compra immediata)

i thought the local currency in peru was peso.
i read an other post : 1 EU = 620 Chilean Pesos.
in lonely planet (2004 edition) 1€ = 742 pesos and 1 usd = 644 pesos

to be clear, what would be the price of this bike in usd or euros ?

[This message has been edited by vincent danna (edited 07 January 2006).]
Vincent Danna

* www.va-project.com
Sept 2008 - dec 2009 : Voyage et art contemporain en Amérique du sud.

* http://vincent.danna.free.fr/
2002 - 2004 : Un tour du monde en moto.
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Old 8 Jan 2006
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The web sites that you visited are from Chile, not Peru. In Peru the local currency is "Sol" and I don't know the change rate between Soles and Euros.
In Chile our local currency is Chilean Peso ($) and now US$1.00 = Ch$ 514, probably 1 Euro = 610 Ch$

Ya verás como quieren en Chile al amigo cuando es forastero (traditional song)

Jose Pedro Espinosa
Curico, Chile
Ya verás como quieren en Chile al amigo cuando es forastero (traditional song)

Jose Pedro Espinosa
Santiago, Chile
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Old 10 Jan 2006
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INteresting websites!

For quick and easy currency checks try xe.com
You can never have too many bikes......

Triumph Tiger 885
Yamaha XT600e

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Old 11 Jan 2006
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i ll have a look again at these websites. the currency is ok now, thanx.

as you can understand, the problem is i can t buy a bike like this in advance, or book it.
if you see anything interesting, pls let me know.
i ll arrive in santiago on 01 feb. hope to find a bike quickly then go.

i ve heard/read the PAPERWORK should be easy for a foreigner on a tourist visa to buy
a bike. could you confirm ? which documents are required (ownership, insurance
...) ?

then, i ve heard/read that there should be no problem to CROSS BORDERS (bolivia and peru) : could you confirm and also tell me which documents are required ?

Vincent Danna

* www.va-project.com
Sept 2008 - dec 2009 : Voyage et art contemporain en Amérique du sud.

* http://vincent.danna.free.fr/
2002 - 2004 : Un tour du monde en moto.
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Old 15 Jan 2006
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Hi Vincent,
We just got back from S-America. We bought an Africa Twin in Santiago( I know it's a bigger bike than you need but it's the same process). You need to get a national ID ( RUT ) number from the SII offices to buy the bike. You'll need to speak spanish to do this. once you have this number it's best to buy the bike from a bike shop as not all bikes have correct papers, also a shop will take care of the exchange of ownership etc. The process will take about a week but the final owners document will take about a month to arrive! best if you can find a friend to forward it to you once it arrives. You can cross the border without it as long as you have the tempoary doc'. if you like we will try to find the names of the bike shops we went to.Also,I found that Mercado Libre prices were not very realistic! We can try to find more info just as soon as we have unpacked our bags!! Good luck...Zade&Melissa.
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Old 15 Jan 2006
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Zade Alassad,
thanx for the info.
with pleasure, if you have time to look for a bike for me, thanx in advance.
Vincent Danna

* www.va-project.com
Sept 2008 - dec 2009 : Voyage et art contemporain en Amérique du sud.

* http://vincent.danna.free.fr/
2002 - 2004 : Un tour du monde en moto.
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Old 15 Jan 2006
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Hi Vincent,
OK I have found some info for you, I hope you understand that we are now back home in London and so can't find a bike for you, however, here are some details for you:
The shop that we got our bike is called Guarda Motos and they are on Ave Vitacura 9079 email guardamtots@entelchile.net they only speak spanish but are very helpful. there are several other bike shops on that road and one of the best is called Maico motos just around the corner from Guarda they are also very helpful (speak english if you need).The SII office website is: www.sii.cl there you can print off the form you need to get your ID number...it's called "Inscripcion al Rol Unico Tributario y/o Declaración de Inicio de Actividades".It sounds complicated but it's not too bad. The important thing is that when you get to the SII office you want a RUT number. I hope you can find a bike ok. Once you have the bike, you can travel. The documents we had were:
Certificado de Inscription (ownership papers)
Certificado Seguro Obligatorio (Insurance)
Certificado de Emisiones (roadworthy cert)
Certificado de Revision Tecnica (roadworthy cert)
Solicitud (temp ownership papers)
Compra - Venta al Contado (proof of transfer)
Guarda Motos did all this stuff for us, we just saw the bike agreed the price and paid... a few days later the papers were done and we picked the bike up, the next day we left Santiago. So as I said before, it's much easier to goto a bike shop!
Good luck and if I think of any more info I'll let you know.
P.S. If you need a good hostal in Santiago try the new Hostal Navetierra at Plaza de Armas, Calle compania 960, 6th floor. It's good and quit cheap. once you get your bike you can park it down the road at the city hotel for a small charge.
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Old 15 Jan 2006
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Zade Alassad,
thanx for the precise info.
i agrre with you, if you buy from a shop, there are more guarantees and they can help you with the paperwork.
as i m only travelling one month totally, i need to be quick on arrival to buy the bike, make the papers, etc ...
the delay (around 5 days) for the paperwork only is official i guess. did you try to make the things shorter (one or two days) , do you think it s feasable ?
Vincent Danna

* www.va-project.com
Sept 2008 - dec 2009 : Voyage et art contemporain en Amérique du sud.

* http://vincent.danna.free.fr/
2002 - 2004 : Un tour du monde en moto.
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Old 15 Jan 2006
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Hi Vincent,
I can only speak about our experience. The paperwork takes that long because it must be sent to a public notary and then sent to the registration authority. But once you've paid the bike shop, they give you a reciept and some of the papers (roadworthy cert etc) which means you can use the bike in the local area. Maybe in the week while you are waiting for the papers you can do a tour of the area around Santiago or go to the coast then return to the bike shop and collect the papers, OR be very nice to the shop(or find a friend in Santiago) and ask them to send the papers to you on your route..the post-restant system in Chile is very good. Also don't forget that the final ownership papers take a month or more to arrive.(ours are still not with us but we have used our bike all over Chile and Argentina and it's now on a ship, on it's way to England).We hope to contact the Chilean consul here in the uk and get a copy of the final ownership papers. Anyway, what ever you dicide to do there is always a way to do it!
Cheers...Zade & Melissa.
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Old 19 Jan 2006
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hello, those official links also can help maybe on the paperwork especially :
Comision Nacional de Seguridad de Transito :
Federacion de motociclismo de Chile :
MC Club :
Ownership card, insurance, documents to show to the local police and customs at the borders :
Vincent Danna

* www.va-project.com
Sept 2008 - dec 2009 : Voyage et art contemporain en Amérique du sud.

* http://vincent.danna.free.fr/
2002 - 2004 : Un tour du monde en moto.
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Old 24 Jan 2006
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also :
automobile club of chile :
customs department in chile :
Vincent Danna

* www.va-project.com
Sept 2008 - dec 2009 : Voyage et art contemporain en Amérique du sud.

* http://vincent.danna.free.fr/
2002 - 2004 : Un tour du monde en moto.
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Old 20 Aug 2008
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VERY helpful thread, thanks

edit: I also found these dealers on this site:
Motocicletas, Scooters, Cuatrimotos Chile » Distribuidores
    United Motors Chile, S.A.
    Avenida Vicuña Mackenna, 1497 Santiago, Chile
    Tel.: 56-2-544-2001 / 56-2-544-2034
    United Motors Chile, S.A.
    Miguel León Prado No. 20 Santiago, Chile
    Fax: 56-2-544-2133

    Tel.: 7-7657541 / 8-1389325
    Av. Alonzo de Córdova 5619Tel.:56 -2-2247955

    Pedro de Valdivia 754
    Tel.: 41-2795353
    Claro Solar 598
    Tel.: 45-210820 / 45-379993

    Pedro de Valdivia 754
    Tel.: 41-2795353
    Pedro de Valdivia 514
    Tel.: 63 - 250386 / 63 -250386
    Cordovez 415
    Tel.: 51-224952
    13 norte 856
    Tel.: 32-472100

    Unión 1318 Puerto Varas
    Tel.: 65-511573 / 65-235891

Last edited by PocketHead; 20 Aug 2008 at 08:08.
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