French Guyana, Suriname Guyana - info anyone?
it´s been hard to get info on the 3 guyanas. I´ll be in Belem tomorrow do some maintanance work on the bike then ship Macapa ride to Oiapoc (sp?) and cross into F.G. i´ve heard that most of the road from Macapa tp Oiapoc is mostly dirt and in bad conditions. probably now is all mud with the rains - can it be done with a fully loaded F650GSD? How long is the ride? i´ve heard is 12-18 hours by bus...
After entering French Guyana i´m getting conflicting info about the roads some say they are paved other said they are dirt??? ALso the road from George Town Guyana to Boa Vista Brasil is dirt or paved? i heard is 600 km with no gas stations?
any information is greatly appreciated.
also if you have contacts that can provide support/info in those countries it would help alot!