Honda Transalp 650 for Sale Dec/Feb
$4500 US
Hi Guys will be selling my honda transalp 650, between december and febuary depending from where u want to get it from.
For me it would be best at the end of February from buenos aries .
The bike will have around 55,000km on the clock.
These bikes have indestructible motors in them and go past 200,000km before needing any work done on the motors (hence my choice).
It is all set up for big trips
Water tank
heated grips
tall wind shield
spare fuel tank
top box
Some tools
Some spare parts
Crash bars
Soft panniers racks
sheep skin
Will also sell separately some other stuff
Pannier bags
Tank bag
cooking stove
9ae18.jpg at Free Image Hosting
$4500 US
Ps well looked after machanicly, oil changed every 5K etc
Last edited by motylek; 13 Aug 2011 at 22:04.
Reason: add informantion