Import Chilean Bike to US?
I'm in Chile for about a year, and am thinking about buying a bike while here and riding it home to Pennsylvania when I'm done here... has anyone had any luck importing a Chilean bike to the US?
I've seen this Customs & Border Protection site, which says "you should ensure it conforms to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. These agencies have very detailed requirements that can make importing a motorcycle difficult. EPA advises importers of motorcycles to obtain a letter or certificate from the manufacturer stating it conforms to U.S. standards."
The above makes it clear I probably don't want to go for any of the bikes I don't see on the street at home, including the CFMotos and other Chinese bikes I might have gone for if the plan was to sell it before going home.
But what if I get a bike I know? Will it be easy to get the recommended manufacturer's letter of conformance? Has anyone successfully imported a bike from Chile to the US?