If you are planning to bring the bike into Mexico from the U.S., I think this will be a problem because you can only get a 30 day sticker to bring the bike in, and it will be marked in your passport so you have to bring the bike out with you (they are afraid you will sell the bike in Mex, not pay tariffs, and leave the country and not come back).
You could store the bike in the U.S. near the border and ride into Mexico each time.
Or you could buy the bike in Mexico and keep it there, but the bike prices are expensive and the model availability is weak.
The other possibility, if you are planning to be in southern Mexico, would be to buy the bike in Guatemala where the prices are the same or a little less than the U.S. and most of the models are available(including some that are not available in the U.S. like a dual sport version of the Honda XR650R). I am not sure if a U.S. citizen could keep it in Mexico with a Central America plate, probably not but there may be a way to do it if you have a friend living in Mexico.