leaving bike in South America
I left a motorcycle in Santiago Chile for several months. What I had to do was sign the bike over to someone else and get paperwork done giving the bike to another person that was living in Santiago so they took it out of my passport. I could then leave. When I returned I took him back to the airport customs office and he signed it back over to me. Did not take long at all. I did not know the guy as it was just a guy working at the hotel. I had been to customs office and they told me I needed to do that. Customs told me to find someone that I could sign the motorcycle over to to get it out of my name and passport. Customs told me he would not be able to sell it as he did not have title to it. I left the motorcycle at the hotel in the parking lot and flew home for 2 months. I think I can get you a name if you need it.
Larry Davis